

Fine-grained, structured configuration management for web projects

15 years 3 months ago
Fine-grained, structured configuration management for web projects
Researchers in Web engineering have regularly noted that existing Web application development environments provide little support for managing the evolution of Web applications. Key limitations of Web development environments include line-oriented change models that inadequately represent Web document semantics and inability to model changes to link structure or the set of objects making up the Web application. Developers may find it difficult to grasp how the overall structure of the Web application has changed over time and may respond by using ad hoc solutions that lead to problems of maintainability, quality and reliability. Web applications are software artifacts, and as such, can benefit from advanced version control and software configuration management (SCM) technologies from software engineering. We have modified an integrated development environment to manage the evolution and maintenance of Web applications. The resulting environment is distinguished by its fine-grained ver...
Tien Nhut Nguyen, Ethan V. Munson, Cheng Thao
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Tien Nhut Nguyen, Ethan V. Munson, Cheng Thao
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