

A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell

15 years 2 months ago
A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell
rrent ML, synchronization abstractions can be defined and passed as values, much like functions in ML. This mechanism admits a powerful, modular style of concurrent programming, called higher-order concurrent programming. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether this style of programming is possible in languages such as Concurrent Haskell, that support only first-order message passing. Indeed, the implementation of synchronization abstractions in Concurrent ML relies on fairly low-level, languagespecific details. In this paper we show, constructively, that synchronization abstractions can be supported in a language that supports only firstorder message passing. Specifically, we implement a library that makes Concurrent ML-style programming possible in Concurrent Haskell. We begin with a core, formal implementation of synchronization abstractions in the -calculus. Then, we extend this implementation to encode all of Concurrent ML's concurrency primitives (and more!) in Concurrent Ha...
Avik Chaudhuri
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICFP
Authors Avik Chaudhuri
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