

Exploiting Problem Structure for Solution Counting

15 years 1 months ago
Exploiting Problem Structure for Solution Counting
This paper deals with the challenging problem of counting the number of solutions of a CSP, denoted #CSP. Recent progress have been made using search methods, such as BTD [15], which exploit the constraint graph structure in order to solve CSPs. We propose to adapt BTD for solving the #CSP problem. The resulting exact counting method has a worst-case time complexity exponential in a specific graph parameter, called tree-width. For problems with sparse constraint graphs but large tree-width, we propose an iterative method which approximates the number of solutions by solving a partition of the set of constraints into a collection of partial chordal subgraphs. Its time complexity is exponential in the maximum clique size - the clique number - of the original problem, which can be much smaller than its tree-width. Experiments on CSP and SAT benchmarks shows the practical efficiency of our proposed approaches.
Aurélie Favier, Philippe Jégou, Simo
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CP
Authors Aurélie Favier, Philippe Jégou, Simon de Givry
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