

Random walks on polytopes and an affine interior point method for linear programming

15 years 1 months ago
Random walks on polytopes and an affine interior point method for linear programming
Let K be a polytope in Rn defined by m linear inequalities. We give a new Markov Chain algorithm to draw a nearly uniform sample from K. The underlying Markov Chain is the first to have a mixing time that is strongly polynomial when started from a "central" point x0. If s is the supremum over all chords pq passing through x0 of |p-x0| |q-x0| and is an upper bound on the desired total variation distance from the uniform, it is sufficient to take O mn n log(sm) + log 1 steps of the random walk. We use this result to design an affine interior point algorithm that does a single random walk to solve linear programs approximately. More precisely, suppose Q = {z Bz 1} contains a point z such that cT z d and r := supzQ Bz + 1, where B is an m ? n matrix. Then, after = O mn n ln mr + ln 1 steps, the random walk is at a point x for which cT x d(1 - ) with probability greater than 1 - . The fact that this algorithm has a run-time that is provably polynomial is notable since the ana...
Ravi Kannan, Hariharan Narayanan
Added 23 Nov 2009
Updated 23 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where STOC
Authors Ravi Kannan, Hariharan Narayanan
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