

iBookmark: locative texts and place-based authoring

15 years 3 months ago
iBookmark: locative texts and place-based authoring
With the recent developments in ePaper technology, consumer eBook readers have display qualities and form factors that are approaching that of traditional books. These eBook readers are already replacing paper in some commercial domains, but the potential of eBooks to extend forms of writing and storytelling has not been significantly explored. Using the digital and dynamic characteristics afforded by eBook readers, we are developing iBookmark, a GPS-enabled eBook reader. In iBookmark, writers can create stories that change in response to the location of the eBook itself. By setting context variables based on current and past locations of the eBook reader and using these in the rule-based generation of text and illustrations. We are developing new rhetorical device for writers that extend the expressive range of eBook delivered stories. Keywords eBook reader, ePaper, narrative theory, context sensing ACM Classification Keywords
Johannes Schöning, Tom Bartindale, Patrick Ol
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Johannes Schöning, Tom Bartindale, Patrick Olivier, Daniel Jackson, Antonio Krüger, Jim Kitson
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