

Software transactional distributed shared memory

15 years 2 months ago
Software transactional distributed shared memory
We have developed a transaction-based approach to distributed shared memory(DSM) that supports object caching and generates path expression prefetches. A path expression specifies a path through the heap that traverses the objects to be prefetched. To our knowledge, this is the first prefetching approach that can prefetch objects whose addresses have not been computed or predicted. Our DSM uses both prefetching and caching of remote objects to hide network latency while relying on the two-phase transaction commit mechanism to preserve the simple transactional consistency model that we present to the developer. We have evaluated this approach on a matrix multiply benchmark. We have found that our approach enables to effectively utilize multiple machines in a cluster and also benefit from prefetching and caching of objects.
Alokika Dash, Brian Demsky
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Alokika Dash, Brian Demsky
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