

Brief announcement: parameterized maximum and average degree approximation in topic-based publish-subscribe overlay network desi

15 years 1 months ago
Brief announcement: parameterized maximum and average degree approximation in topic-based publish-subscribe overlay network desi
Designing an overlay network for publish/subscribe communication in a system where nodes may subscribe to many different topics of interest is of fundamental importance. For scalability and efficiency, it is important to keep the degree of the nodes in the publish/subscribe system low. It is only natural then to formalize the following problem: Given a collection of nodes and their topic subscriptions connect the nodes into a graph which has low average and maximum degree and in such a way that for each topic t, the graph induced by the nodes interested in t is connected. We present the first polynomial time parameterized sublinear approximation algorithm for this problem. We also considered a variation of the problem where each topic-connected overlay network is required to be of constant diameter, while still keeping the average degree low. We present two novel heuristics for this problem, which guarantee that each topic-connected overlay network will be of diameter 2 and which aim ...
Melih Onus, Andréa W. Richa
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SPAA
Authors Melih Onus, Andréa W. Richa
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