

Randomized mutual exclusion in O(log N / log log N) RMRs

15 years 3 months ago
Randomized mutual exclusion in O(log N / log log N) RMRs
d Abstract] Danny Hendler Department of Computer-Science Ben-Gurion University Philipp Woelfel Department of Computer-Science University of Calgary Mutual exclusion is a fundamental distributed coordination problem. Shared-memory mutual exclusion research focuses on local-spin algorithms and uses the remote memory references (RMRs) metric. A recent proof [9] established an (log N) lower bound on the number of RMRs incurred by processes as they enter and exit the critical section, matching an upper bound by Yang and Anderson [18]. Both these bounds apply for algorithms that only use read and write operations. The lower bound of [9] only holds for deterministic algorithms, however; the question of whether randomized mutual exclusion algorithms, using reads and writes only, can achieve sub-logarithmic expected RMR complexity remained open. This paper answers this question in the affirmative. We present two strong-adversary [8] randomized loc...
Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PODC
Authors Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel
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