

Simulation-Based Concurrent Non-malleable Commitments and Decommitments

15 years 3 months ago
Simulation-Based Concurrent Non-malleable Commitments and Decommitments
Abstract. In this paper we consider commitment schemes that are secure against concurrent man-in-the-middle (cMiM) attacks. Under such attacks, two possible notions of security for commitment schemes have been proposed in the literature: concurrent non-malleability with respect to commitment and concurrent non-malleability with respect to decommitment (i.e., opening). After the original notion of non-malleability introduced by [Dolev, Dwork and Naor STOC 91] that is based on the independence of the committed messages, a new and stronger simulation-based notion of non-malleability has been proposed with respect to openings or with respect to commitment [1,2,3,4] by requiring that for any man-in-the-middle adversary there is a stand-alone adversary that succeeds with the same probability. When commitment schemes are used as sub-protocols (which is often the case) the simulation-based notion is much more powerful and simplifies the task of proving the security of the larger protocols. The...
Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TCC
Authors Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti
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