

Solving the Wake-Up Scattering Problem Optimally

15 years 1 months ago
Solving the Wake-Up Scattering Problem Optimally
Abstract. In their EWSN'07 paper [1], Giusti et al. proposed a decentralized wake-up scattering algorithm for temporally spreading the intervals in which the nodes of a wireless sensor network (WSN) are active, and showed that the resulting schedules significantly improve over the commonly-used random ones, e.g., by providing greater area coverage at less energy costs. However, an open question remained about whether further improvements are possible. Here, we complete the work in [1] by providing a (centralized) optimal solution that constitutes a theoretical upper bound for wake-up scattering protocols. Simulation results shows that the decentralized algorithm proposed in [1] comes within 4% to 11% of the optimum. Moreover, we show that the modeling framework we use to derive the solution, based on integer programming techniques, allows for a particularly efficient solution. The latter result discloses important opportunities for the practical utilization of the model. The model...
Luigi Palopoli, Roberto Passerone, Amy L. Murphy,
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EWSN
Authors Luigi Palopoli, Roberto Passerone, Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco, Alessandro Giusti
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