

Mining frequent item sets by opportunistic projection

15 years 2 months ago
Mining frequent item sets by opportunistic projection
In this paper, we present a novel algorithm OpportuneProject for mining complete set of frequent item sets by projecting databases to grow a frequent item set tree. Our algorithm is fundamentally different from those proposed in the past in that it opportunistically chooses between two different structures, arraybased or tree-based, to represent projected transaction subsets, and heuristically decides to build unfiltered pseudo projection or to make a filtered copy according to features of the subsets. More importantly, we propose novel methods to build tree-based pseudo projections and array-based unfiltered projections for projected transaction subsets, which makes our algorithm both CPU time efficient and memory saving. Basically, the algorithm grows the frequent item set tree by depth first search, whereas breadth first search is used to build the upper portion of the tree if necessary. We test our algorithm versus several other algorithms on real world datasets, such as BMS-POS, ...
Junqiang Liu, Yunhe Pan, Ke Wang, Jiawei Han
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where KDD
Authors Junqiang Liu, Yunhe Pan, Ke Wang, Jiawei Han
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