

Querying multiple sets of discovered rules

15 years 3 months ago
Querying multiple sets of discovered rules
Rule mining is an important data mining task that has been applied to numerous real-world applications. Often a rule mining system generates a large number of rules and only a small subset of them is really useful in applications. Although there exist some systems allowing the user to query the discovered rules, they are less suitable for complex ad hoc querying of multiple data mining rulebases to retrieve interesting rules. In this paper, we propose a new powerful rule query language Rule-QL for querying multiple rulebases that is modeled after SQL and has rigorous theoretical foundations of a rule-based calculus. In particular, we first propose a rule-based calculus RC based on the first-order logic, and then present the language Rule-QL that is at least as expressive as the safe fragment of RC. We also propose a number of efficient query evaluation techniques for Rule-QL and test them experimentally on some representative queries to demonstrate the feasibility of Rule-QL. Keywords...
Alexander Tuzhilin, Bing Liu
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where KDD
Authors Alexander Tuzhilin, Bing Liu
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