

Joint Manifold Distance: a new approach to appearance based clustering

15 years 4 months ago
Joint Manifold Distance: a new approach to appearance based clustering
We wish to match sets of images to sets of images where both sets are undergoing various distortions such as viewpoint and lighting changes. To this end we have developed a Joint Manifold Distance (JMD) which measures the distance between two subspaces, where each subspace is invariant to a desired group of transformations, for example affine warping of the image plane. The JMD may be seen as generalizing invariant distance metrics such as tangent distance in two important ways. First, formally representing priors on the image distribution avoids certain difficulties which, in previous work, have required ad-hoc correction. The second contribution is the observation that previous distances have been computed using what amounted to "home-grown" nonlinear optimizers, and that more reliable results can be obtained by using generic optimizers which have been developed in the numerical analysis community, and which automatically set the parameters which home-grown methods must se...
Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Andrew Zisserman
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 29 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CVPR
Authors Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Andrew Zisserman
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