

Conversation pivots and double pivots

15 years 25 days ago
Conversation pivots and double pivots
Many sites on the web offer collaborative databases that catalog items such as bands, events, products, or software modules. Conversation pivots allow readers to navigate from pages about these items to conversations about them on the same site or elsewhere on the Internet. Double pivots allow readers to navigate from item pages to pages about other items mentioned in the same conversations. Using text mining techniques specific to the collection it is possible to find references to collected items in online conversations. We implemented conversation pivots for the CPAN archive of Perl modules, and for, the reference site for the Drupal content management system. Author Keywords Online Discussion, Conversation, Recommender, Pivot, Drupal, Perlmonks ACM Classification Keywords H5.4 Hypertext/Hypermedia Navigation. H5.2. User Interfaces
Daniel Xiaodan Zhou, Nathan Oostendorp, Michael He
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors Daniel Xiaodan Zhou, Nathan Oostendorp, Michael Hess, Paul Resnick
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