

Fitts' throughput and the speed-accuracy tradeoff

15 years 25 days ago
Fitts' throughput and the speed-accuracy tradeoff
We describe an experiment to test the hypothesis that Fitts' throughput is independent of the speed-accuracy tradeoff. Eighteen participants used a mouse in performing a total of 5,400 target selection trials. Comparing nominal, speedemphasis, and accuracy-emphasis conditions, significant main effects were found on movement time (ms) and error rate (%), but not on throughput (bits/s). In the latter case, failure to reject the null hypothesis of "no significant difference" (i.e., .05 < p < 1) is viewed as evidence supporting the constant-throughput hypothesis. Author Keywords Fitts' law, throughput, speed-accuracy tradeoff ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 User Interfaces. Input devices and strategies
I. Scott MacKenzie, Poika Isokoski
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors I. Scott MacKenzie, Poika Isokoski
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