

Do knobs have character?: exploring diversity in users' inferences

15 years 25 days ago
Do knobs have character?: exploring diversity in users' inferences
Physical controls are now ubiquitous in everyday interactions. Empirical studies of physical interactions have traditionally been exploring instrumental aspects such as error rate and experienced workload. Recently, affective aspects of physical interaction have attracted an increased interest. In this paper we further argue that physical controls might have a character. We describe an exploratory study that aimed at understanding whether individuals form character judgments of physical controls based on haptic information, and explored the diversity across individuals' inference processes. Keywords User experience, haptic interfaces, product character ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. User Interfaces: Haptic I/O.
Evangelos Karapanos, Stephan Wensveen, Bart Friede
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors Evangelos Karapanos, Stephan Wensveen, Bart Friederichs, Jean-Bernard Martens
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