Professionals working to move user experience (UX) into a position of corporate influence are impeded by conflicting recommendations, including those regarding the roles of documenting and evangelizing UX work, ownership of UX, organizational positioning, calculating return on investment, and conducting "ethnographic" research. In this interactive session, a group of senior UX management personnel who have moved UX into positions of rapidly increasing influence in their varied places of work debate their different perspectives and approaches to help resolve conflicting recommendations and generate some new and improved guidance. Keywords User experience, management, organizations, usercentered design ACM Classification Keywords H.5.3. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Group and organization interfaces; K.7.2. The computing profession: Organizations Setting the stage CHI 2006 featured a management community session which painted a gloomy picture of the amou...
Richard I. Anderson, Jeremy Ashley, Tobias Herrman