Successful collaborations between New Media Arts and HCI tend to develop hybrid techniques that promote balanced contributions from both disciplines. However, since many of these collaborations are one-off or highly dependent on the researchers/artists involved, systematic discussions of the role and impact of the various evaluation techniques and methodologies are missing. This workshop is aimed at practitioners from both HCI and the Arts as a venue to discuss the contribution that one another's techniques have made to their own practice, evaluate critical issues in HCI/New Media Collaboration, and examine ways that existing approaches can be extended for a deeper role in practice, design, and research. Keywords New media, aesthetic inquiry, engagement, creativity support tools, evaluation methods ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): User Interfaces, Evaluation/methodology: J.5 Arts and Humanities.
Piotr D. Adamczyk, Kevin Hamilton, Michael B. Twid