

Learning epipolar geometry from image sequences

15 years 2 months ago
Learning epipolar geometry from image sequences
We wish to determine the epipolar geometry of a stereo camera pair from image measurements alone. This paper describes a solution to this problem which does not require a parametric model of the camera system, and consequently applies equally well to a wide class of stereo configurations. Examples in the paper range from a standard pinhole stereo configuration to more exotic systems combining curved mirrors and wide-angle lenses. The method described here allows epipolar curves to be learned from multiple image pairs presented to the stereo cameras. By aggregating information over the multiple images, a dense map of the epipolar curves can be determined on the images. The algorithm requires a large number of images, but has the distinct benefit that the correspondence problem does not have to be explicitly solved. We show that for standard stereo configurations the results are comparable to those obtained from a state of the art parametric model method, despite the significantly weake...
Yonatan Wexler, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Andrew Zisse
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CVPR
Authors Yonatan Wexler, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Andrew Zisserman
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