

Combining head tracking and mouse input for a GUI on multiple monitors

15 years 3 months ago
Combining head tracking and mouse input for a GUI on multiple monitors
The use of multiple LCD monitors is becoming popular as prices are reduced, but this creates problems for window management and switching between applications. For a single monitor, eye tracking can be combined with the mouse to reduce the amount of mouse movement, but with several monitors the head is moved through a large range of positions and angles which makes eye tracking difficult. We thus use head tracking to switch the mouse pointer between monitors and use the mouse to move within each monitor. In our experiment users required significantly less mouse movement with the tracking system, and preferred using it, although task time actually increased. A graphical prompt (flashing star) prevented the user losing the pointer when switching monitors. We present discussions on our results and ideas for further developments. Author Keywords Gaze-contingent display, attentive user interface, head tracking, multiple monitors. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [Information interfaces an...
Mark Ashdown, Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Mark Ashdown, Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato
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