

The power-aware cord: energy awareness through ambient information display

15 years 2 months ago
The power-aware cord: energy awareness through ambient information display
In order to support increased consumer awareness regarding energy consumption, we have been developing new ways of representing and interacting with energy in electric products intended for domestic environments. The `Power-Aware Cord' is a re-design of a common electrical power strip that displays the amount of energy passing through it at any given moment. This is done by dynamic glowing patterns produced by electroluminescent wires molded into the transparent electrical cord. Using this fully functional prototype, we have been investigating how such ambient displays can be used to increase energy awareness. An initial user study indicates that the Power-Aware Cord is a very accessible and intuitive mean for better understanding energy consumption. Future work includes further development of the mapping between load and visual pattern and in-depth studies of user perception and learning over time. Keywords Ambient displays; Interaction design; Conceptual design; Energy efficien...
Anton Gustafsson, Magnus Gyllenswärd
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Anton Gustafsson, Magnus Gyllenswärd
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