


15 years 3 months ago
We present a new popup widget, called CoR2Ds (Context-Rooted Rotatable Draggables), designed for multi-user direct-touch tabletop environments. CoR2Ds are interactive callout popup objects that are visually connected (rooted) at the originating displayed object by a semi-transparent colored swath. CoR2Ds can be used to bring out meanus, display drilled-down or off-screen ancillary data such as metadata and attributes, as well as instantiate tools. CoR2Ds can be freely moved, rotated, and re-oriented on a tabletop display surface by fingers, hands, pointing devices (mice) or marking devices (such as a stylus or light pen). CoR2Ds address five issues for interaction techniques on interactive tabletop display surfaces: occlusion, reach, context on a cluttered display, readability, and concurrent/coordianted multi-user interaction. In this paper, we present the design, interaction and implementation of CoR2Ds. We also discuss a set of current usage scenarios. CHI 2005 This work may not be...
Chia Shen, Clifton Forlines, Frédéri
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Chia Shen, Clifton Forlines, Frédéric Vernier, Mark S. Hancock
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