In this demonstration, we introduce "curve dial" a technique designed to extend gesture-based interactions like FlowMenus with eyes-free parameter entry. FlowMenus, let users enter numerical parameters with "dialing" strokes surrounding the center of a radial menu. This centering requires users to keep their eyes on the Menu in order to align the pen with its center before initiating a gesture. Curve dial instead tracks the curvature of the path created by the pen: since curvature is location-independent, curvature dialging does not require users to keep track of the menu center and is therefore eyes-free. We demonstrate curvature dial with the example of a simple application that allows users to scroll through a document eyes-free. Author Keywords Eyes-free, FlowMenus, marking menus, dialing. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. Information interfaces and presentation: User Interfaces, input devices and strategies.
Graham Smith, Monica M. C. Schraefel, Patrick Baud