

Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Image Labeling

15 years 4 months ago
Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Image Labeling
We propose an approach to include contextual features for labeling images, in which each pixel is assigned to one of a finite set of labels. The features are incorporated into a probabilistic framework which combines the outputs of several components. Components differ in the information they encode. Some focus on the image-label mapping, while others focus solely on patterns within the label field. Components also differ in their scale, as some focus on fineresolution patterns while others on coarser, more global structure. A supervised version of the contrastive divergence algorithm is applied to learn these features from labeled image data. We demonstrate performance on two real-world image databases and compare it to a classifier and a Markov random field.
Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán,
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CVPR
Authors Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, Richard S. Zemel, Xuming He
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