

Visual Odometry

15 years 4 months ago
Visual Odometry
We present a system that estimates the motion of a stereo head or a single moving camera based on video input. The system operates in real-time with low delay and the motion estimates are used for navigational purposes. The front end of the system is a feature tracker. Point features are matched between pairs of frames and linked into image trajectories at video rate. Robust estimates of the camera motion are then produced from the feature tracks using a geometric hypothesize-and-test architecture. This generates what we call visual odometry, i.e. motion estimates from visual input alone. No prior knowledge of the scene nor the motion is necessary. The visual odometry can also be used in conjunction with information from other sources such as GPS, inertia sensors, wheel encoders, etc. The pose estimation method has been applied successfully to video from aerial, automotive and handheld platforms. We focus on results with an autonomous ground vehicle. We give examples of camera traject...
David Nistér, James R. Bergen, Oleg Narodit
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CVPR
Authors David Nistér, James R. Bergen, Oleg Naroditsky
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