Panelists with backgrounds in diverse aspects of humanrobot interaction will discuss the challenges of human-robot interaction in terms of operator trust. The panel will showcase experiments and case studies that highlight the importance of operator trust. Each panelist provides a unique perspective on the role of trust in mobile robot applications and offers unique insight on how we can help build trust for a future generation of mobile robots. Panelists have been drawn from defense, entertainment, industry, transportation and energy sectors. The panel will discuss cases where humans were too willing to place trust in robot systems and others where humans have been unwilling or unable to trust robot behavior. In each instance, panelists will point to current shortcomings (i.e., interfaces, communications, robot intelligence) and plans to address these limitations in the future. Author Keywords Human-Robot Interaction, Trust, Robot Control ACM Classification Keywords
David J. Bruemmer, Douglas A. Few, Michael A. Good