

Trading design spaces: exchanging ideas on physical design environments

15 years 3 months ago
Trading design spaces: exchanging ideas on physical design environments
Physical design environments are places that support people engaged in the spatial, physical, tangible act of creation. It is now possible to augment workspaces with an amazing array of technologies to assist users in their creative endeavors. However, the integration of computing technologies into physical environments involves a new set of tools, technologies, principles and practices. In this panel, researchers working on the challenges of physical design support present their work through a walkthrough of their prototype work environments. Each environment will then be "remodeled" by a fellow researcher using his or her own approach, tools, and design philosophy. The goal of this session will be to explore the large variety of potential applications, tools, technologies, interfaces, and processes used by those working to augment the creative physical world. Author Keywords Physical; design; workspaces; tangible; augmented reality; work practice; usability ACM Classificat...
Wendy Ju, Margot Brereton, Michael Haller, Amanda
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CHI
Authors Wendy Ju, Margot Brereton, Michael Haller, Amanda J. Parkes, Scott R. Klemmer, Brian Lee, Dan Rosenfeld
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