

On the implementation of fast marching methods for 3D lattices

16 years 3 months ago
On the implementation of fast marching methods for 3D lattices
This technical report discusses Sethian's Fast Marching Method and its higher accuracy variant. Both methods may be used to compute the arrival times at the points of a discrete lattice of a front which is monotonously expanding. Applications of the method include arrival time computation and the construction of distance fields for 2D or 3D objects. The main aim of this report is to supplement the available papers with a practical guide to the implementation of the method. Through a simple example the Fast Marching Method and its high accuracy variant are compared with regard to speed and precision.
Jakob Andreas Bærentzen
Added 28 Nov 2008
Updated 27 Jan 2009
Authors Jakob Andreas Bærentzen
Comments (1)
msabry.jpgGreat Tutorial+++

This is a very interesting tutorial. It enabled me to really understand both the theoritical foundation as well as the implementation details of the fast marching methods (FMM). Within couple of hours, i managed to implement both the 1st order as well as the second order fast marching methods. I always believed that science is not difficult, we just need to meet either the right professor, right book, or the right tutorial. In my humble opinion, this is the entry point to understanding the FMM. However, if you need to improve the method, i would suggest reading the FMM book by Sethian. Also, you may consider reading the following transaction on sciweavers: Multistencils Fast Marching Methods: A Highly Accurate Solution to the Eikonal Equation on Cartesian Domains. It provides both an improved version of the FMM as well as a survey on the methods that improved that technique.

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