

Paper or interactive?: a study of prototyping techniques for ubiquitous computing environments

15 years 3 months ago
Paper or interactive?: a study of prototyping techniques for ubiquitous computing environments
We studied the effects of varying the fidelity and automation levels of a Ubicomp application prototype. Our results show that the interactive prototype captured the same usability issues that the paper prototype studies did and more. We found that paper prototyping is insufficient for supporting unique Ubicomp requirements, such as scalability, but a prototype with higher fidelity and automation levels can enhance the quality of interaction data available for evaluation. Keywords Ubiquitous Computing, Lo-fi Prototyping, Wizard of Oz.
Linchuan Liu, Peter Khooshabeh
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Linchuan Liu, Peter Khooshabeh
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