

Conservative Extensions in the Lightweight Description Logic EL

15 years 3 months ago
Conservative Extensions in the Lightweight Description Logic EL
We bring together two recent trends in description logic (DL): lightweight DLs in which the subsumption problem is tractable and conservative extensions as a central tool for formalizing notions of ontology design such as refinement and modularity. Our aim is to investigate conservative extensions as an automated reasoning problem for the basic tractable DL EL. The main result is that deciding (deductive) conservative extensions is ExpTime-complete, thus more difficult than subsumption in EL, but not more difficult than subsumption in expressive DLs. We also show that if conservative extensions are defined model-theoretically, the associated decision problem for EL is undecidable.
Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CADE
Authors Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter
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