

Strong Cut-Elimination Systems for Hudelmaier's Depth-Bounded Sequent Calculus for Implicational Logic

15 years 27 days ago
Strong Cut-Elimination Systems for Hudelmaier's Depth-Bounded Sequent Calculus for Implicational Logic
Abstract. Inspired by the Curry-Howard correspondence, we study normalisation procedures in the depth-bounded intuitionistic sequent calculus of Hudelmaier (1988) for the implicational case, thus strengthening existing approaches to Cut-admissibility. We decorate proofs with terms and introduce various term-reduction systems representing proof transformations. In contrast to previous papers which gave different arguments for Cut-admissibility suggesting weakly normalising procedures for Cut-elimination, our main reduction system and all its variations are strongly normalising, with the variations corresponding to different optimisations, some of them with good properties such as confluence.
Roy Dyckhoff, Delia Kesner, Stéphane Lengra
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CADE
Authors Roy Dyckhoff, Delia Kesner, Stéphane Lengrand
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