The Write-All problem for an asynchronous shared-memory system has the objective for the processes to update the contents of a set of shared registers, while minimizing the mber of read and write operations. First abstracted by Kanellakis and Shvartsman [12], Write-All is among the standard problems in distributed computing. The model consists of n asynchronous processes and n registers, where every process can read and write to any register. Processes may fail by crashing. The most efficient previously known deterministic algorithm performs O(n1+ ) reads and writes, for an arbitrary fixed constant > 0, and is due to Anderson and Woll [4]. This paper presents a new deterministic algorithm that performs O(n polylog n) read/write operations, thus improving the best previously known upper bound from polynomial to polylogarithmic in the average number of read/write operations per process. Using an approach to store and retrieve information about progress made in auxiliary registers, t...
Bogdan S. Chlebus, Dariusz R. Kowalski