

Scene-Adapted Structured Light

15 years 5 months ago
Scene-Adapted Structured Light
In order to overcome several limitations of structured light 3D acquisition methods, the colors, intensities, and shapes of the projected patterns are adapted to the scene. Based on a crude estimate of the scene geometry and reflectance characteristics, the local intensity ranges in the projected patterns are adapted, in order to avoid over- and underexposure in the image. This avoids the infamous specularity problems and generally increases accuracy. The estimated geometry also helps to limit the effect of aliasing caused by the sampling of foreshortened patterns. Furthermore, the approach also acounts for the adverse effects that small motions during scanning would normally have. Moreover, the approach yields a confidence measure at every pixel of the range image. Last but not least, the scanner consists of consumer products only, and therefore is cheap.
Thomas P. Koninckx, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutr&eacu
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 29 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CVPR
Authors Thomas P. Koninckx, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, Luc J. Van Gool
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