Spatial and temporal database systems, both in theory and in practice, have developed dramatically over the past two decades to the point where usable commercial systems, underpinned by a robust theoretical foundation, are now starting to appear. While much remains to be done, topics for research must be chosen carefully to avoid embarking on impractical or unprofitable areas. This is particularly true for doctoral research where the candidate must build a tangible contribution in a relatively short time. The panel session at the Eighth International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD 2003) held on Santorini Island, Greece [7] in July 2003 thus took as its focus the question What to focus on (and what to avoid) in Spatial and Temporal Database: recommendations for doctoral research. This short paper, authored by the panel members, summarizes these discussions.
John F. Roddick, Max J. Egenhofer, Erik G. Hoel, D