

Implementing database operations using SIMD instructions

15 years 2 months ago
Implementing database operations using SIMD instructions
Modern CPUs have instructions that allow basic operations to be performed on several data elements in parallel. These instructions are called SIMD instructions, since they apply a single instruction to multiple data elements. SIMD technology was initially built into commodity processors in order to accelerate the performance of multimedia applications. SIMD instructions provide new opportunities for database engine design and implementation. We study various kinds of operations in a database context, and show how the inner loop of the operations can be accelerated using SIMD instructions. The use of SIMD instructions has two immediate performance benefits: It allows a degree of parallelism, so that many operands can be processed at once. It also often leads to the elimination of conditional branch instructions, reducing branch mispredictions. We consider the most important database operations, including sequential scans, aggregation, index operations, and joins. We present techniques ...
Jingren Zhou, Kenneth A. Ross
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Jingren Zhou, Kenneth A. Ross
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