

The Grand Challenge of Trusted Components

15 years 3 months ago
The Grand Challenge of Trusted Components
Reusable components equipped with strict guarantees of quality can help reestablish software development on a stronger footing, by taking advantage of the scaling effect of reuse to justify the extra effort of ensuring impeccable quality. This discussion examines work intended to help the concept of Trusted Component brings its full potential to the software industry, along two complementary directions: a "low road" leading to qualification of existing components, and a "high road" aimed at the production of components with fully proved correctness properties. 1 Overview Progress in software engineering over the past four decades has undeniably had a beneficial effect on software quality. The advances fall short, however, of the kind of breakthrough that appear necessary to cope with the increasing demands on our software. The general idea developed in this article, reuse, is far from new; but the notion of Trusted Component brings in a critical concept: extreme at...
Bertrand Meyer
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICSE
Authors Bertrand Meyer
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