

An Effective Layout Adaptation Technique for a Graphical Modeling Tool

15 years 21 days ago
An Effective Layout Adaptation Technique for a Graphical Modeling Tool
Editing graphic models always entails layout problems. Inserting and deleting items requires tedious manual work for shifting existing items and rearranging the diagram layout. Hence, techniques that automatically expand a diagram when space is required for insertion and contract it when free space becomes avaliable are highly desirable. Existing layout generation algorithms are no good solution for that problem: they may completely rearrange a diagram after an editing operation, while users want to preserve the overall visual appearance of a diagram. We have developed a technique which automatically expands or contracts a diagram layout when items are inserted or removed while preserving its overall shape, i.e. the positions of the items relative to each other. Our technique has been implemented in a prototype tool. We are using it not just for simplifying editing, but primarily for implementing an aspect-oriented visualization concept.
Christian Seybold, Martin Glinz, Silvio Meier, Nan
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICSE
Authors Christian Seybold, Martin Glinz, Silvio Meier, Nancy Merlo-Schett
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