

Lazy call-by-value evaluation

15 years 17 days ago
Lazy call-by-value evaluation
Designing debugging tools for lazy functional programming languages is a complex task which is often solved by expensive tracing of lazy computations. We present a new approach in which the information collected as a trace is reduced considerably (kilobytes instead of megabytes). The idea is to collect a kind of step information for a call-by-value interpreter, which can then efficiently reconstruct the computation for debugging/viewing tools, like declarative debugging. We show the correctness of the approach, discuss a proof-of-concept implementation with a declarative debugger as back end and present some benchmarks comparing our new approach with the Haskell debugger Hat.
Bernd Braßel, Frank Huch, Germán Vida
Added 13 Dec 2009
Updated 13 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICFP
Authors Bernd Braßel, Frank Huch, Germán Vidal, Michael Hanus, Sebastian Fischer
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