

Inductive reasoning about effectful data types

15 years 2 months ago
Inductive reasoning about effectful data types
We present a pair of reasoning principles, definition and proof by rigid induction, which can be seen as proper generalizations of lazy-datatype induction to monadic effects other than partiality. We further show how these principles can be integrated into logical-relations arguments, and obtain as a particular instance a general and principled proof that the success-stream and failurecontinuation models of backtracking are equivalent. As another application, we present a monadic model of general search trees, not necessarily traversed depth-first. The results are applicable to both lazy and eager languages, and we emphasize this by presenting most examples in both Haskell and SML.
Andrzej Filinski, Kristian Støvring
Added 13 Dec 2009
Updated 13 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICFP
Authors Andrzej Filinski, Kristian Støvring
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