

Data Quality and Query Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks

15 years 2 months ago
Data Quality and Query Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks
This research is motivated by emerging, real-world wireless sensor network applications for monitoring and control. We examine the benefits and costs of caching data for such applications. We propose and evaluate several approaches to querying for, and then caching data in a sensor field data server. We show that for some application requirements (i.e., when delay drives data quality), policies that emulate cache hits by computing and returning approximate values for sensor data yield a simultaneous quality improvement and cost savings. This win-win is because when system delay is sufficiently important, the benefit to both query cost and data quality achieved by using approximate values outweighs the negative impact on quality due to the approximation. In contrast, when data accuracy drives quality, a linear trade-off between query cost and data quality emerges. We also identify caching and lookup policies for which the sensor field query rate is bounded when servicing an arbitrary wo...
David J. Yates, Erich M. Nahum, Jim Kurose, Prasha
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors David J. Yates, Erich M. Nahum, Jim Kurose, Prashant J. Shenoy
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