

Employing User Feedback for Fast, Accurate, Low-Maintenance Geolocationing

15 years 2 months ago
Employing User Feedback for Fast, Accurate, Low-Maintenance Geolocationing
One way to improve inferences on sensor data is to tune the algorithms through a time-consuming offline procedure. A less expensive, and potentially more accurate method is to use an online procedure based on feedback from users, who often know best what the data means to them. We present a method for user-assisted location inference based on 802.11b wireless signal strengths. A user `corrects' system geolocations by clicking on a map, recording a `virtual access point' (VAP) at the selected point for future inferences. A best VAP is selected using simple criteria, including the VAP's creator. This permits using other's VAPs while getting their own if one exists, capturing user-specific behavior. The system is also self-maintaining with respect to changing access point deployments. Indoor experiments show very good accuracy for this simple method.
Ezekiel S. Bhasker, Steven W. Brown, William G. Gr
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Ezekiel S. Bhasker, Steven W. Brown, William G. Griswold
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