

Self-Routing in Pervasive Computing Environments Using Smart Messages

15 years 2 months ago
Self-Routing in Pervasive Computing Environments Using Smart Messages
Smart Messages (SMs) are dynamic collections of code and data that migrate to nodes of interest in the network and execute on these nodes. A key challenge in programming pervasive computing environments using SMs is the ability to route SMs to nodes named by content. This paper describes the SM self-routingmechanism, whichallowsSMs to route themselves at each hop in the pathtoward a node of interest. SM applicationscan choose among multiplecontentbased routingalgorithms,switch dynamicallytheroutingalgorithm in use, or even implement the best suited routing algorithm for their needs. The main benefits provided by selfrouting are high flexibility and resilience to adverse network conditions. To demonstrate these benefits, we present proofof-concept implementation, simulationresults, and analysis for the SM self-routing mechanism using several contentbased routing algorithms. We also show preliminary results for SM routing algorithms executed over our SM prototype implementation.
Cristian Borcea, Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Akhiles
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Cristian Borcea, Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Akhilesh Saxena, Liviu Iftode
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