

FireWxNet: a multi-tiered portable wireless system for monitoring weather conditions in wildland fire environments

15 years 1 days ago
FireWxNet: a multi-tiered portable wireless system for monitoring weather conditions in wildland fire environments
In this paper we present FireWxNet, a multi-tiered portable wireless system for monitoring weather conditions in rugged wildland fire environments. FireWxNet provides the fire fighting community the ability to safely and easily measure and view fire and weather conditions over a wide range of locations and elevations within forest fires. This previously unattainable information allows fire behavior analysts to better predict fire behavior, heightening safety considerations. Our system uses a tiered structure beginning with directional radios to stretch deployment capabilities into the wilderness far beyond current infrastructures. At the end point of our system we designed and integrated a multihop sensor network to provide environmental data. We also integrated web-enabled surveillance cameras to provide visual data. This paper describes a week long full system deployment utilizing 3 sensor networks and 2 web-cams in the Selway-Salmon Complex Fires of 2005. We perform an analysis of ...
Carl Hartung, Richard Han, Carl Seielstad, Saxon H
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Carl Hartung, Richard Han, Carl Seielstad, Saxon Holbrook
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