

Delay-bounded routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks

15 years 2 months ago
Delay-bounded routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks
Ad hoc networks formed by traveling vehicles are envisaged to become a common platform that will support a wide variety of applications, ranging from road safety to advertising and entertainment. The multitude of vehicular applications calls for routing schemes that satisfy user-defined delay requirements while at the same time maintaining a low level of channel utilization to allow their coexistence. This paper focuses on the development of carry-and-forward schemes that attempt to deliver data from vehicles to fixed infrastructure nodes in an urban setting. The proposed algorithms leverage local or global knowledge of traffic statistics to carefully alternate between the Data Muling and Multihop Forwarding strategies, in order to minimize communication overhead while adhering to delay constraints imposed by the application. We provide an extensive evaluation of our schemes using realistic vehicular traces on a real city map. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2 [Computer Systems O...
Antonios Skordylis, Niki Trigoni
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Antonios Skordylis, Niki Trigoni
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