

Planar polynomials for commutative semifields with specified nuclei

15 years 2 months ago
Planar polynomials for commutative semifields with specified nuclei
We consider the implications of the equivalence of commutative semifields of odd order and planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials. This equivalence was outlined recently by Coulter and Henderson. In particular, following a more general statement concerning semifields we identify a form of planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomial which must define a commutative semifield with the nuclei specified. Since any strong isotopy class of commutative semifields must contain at least one example of a commutative semifield described by such a planar polynomial, to classify commutative semifields it is enough to classify planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials of this form and determine when they describe non-isotopic commutative semifields. We prove several results along these lines. We end by introducing a new commutative semifield of order 38 with left nucleus of order 3 and middle nucleus of order 32.
Robert S. Coulter, Marie Henderson, Pamela Kosick
Added 25 Dec 2009
Updated 25 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DCC
Authors Robert S. Coulter, Marie Henderson, Pamela Kosick
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