

Structure induction by lossless graph compression

15 years 2 months ago
Structure induction by lossless graph compression
This work is motivated by the necessity to automate the discovery of structure in vast and evergrowing collection of relational data commonly represented as graphs, for example genomic networks. A novel algorithm, dubbed Graphitour, for structure induction by lossless graph compression is presented and illustrated by a clear and broadly known case of nested structure in a DNA molecule. This work extends to graphs some well established approaches to grammatical inference previously applied only to strings. The bottom-up graph compression problem is related to the maximum cardinality (non-bipartite) maximum cardinality matching problem. The algorithm accepts a variety of graph types including directed graphs and graphs with labeled nodes and arcs. The resulting structure could be used for representation and classification of graphs.
Leonid Peshkin
Added 25 Dec 2009
Updated 25 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DCC
Authors Leonid Peshkin
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