

On Some New Approaches to Practical Slepian-Wolf Compression Inspired by Channel Coding

15 years 2 months ago
On Some New Approaches to Practical Slepian-Wolf Compression Inspired by Channel Coding
We introduce three new innovations for compression using LDPCs for the Slepian-Wolf problem. The first is a general iterative Slepian-Wolf decoding algorithm that incorporates the graphical structure of all the encoders and operates in a `turbo-like' fashion. The second innovation introduces source-splitting to enable low-complexity pipelined implementations of Slepian-Wolf decoding at rates besides corner points of the Slepian-Wolf region. This innovation can also be applied to single-source block coding for reduced decoder complexity. The third approach is a linear programming relaxation to maximum-likelihood sequence decoding that exhibits the ML-certificate property. This can be used for decoding a single binary block-compressed source as well as decoding at vertex points for the binary SlepianWolf problem. All three of these innovations were motivated by recent analogous results in the channel coding domain.
Anna H. Lee, Michelle Effros, Muriel Médard
Added 25 Dec 2009
Updated 25 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DCC
Authors Anna H. Lee, Michelle Effros, Muriel Médard, Todd P. Coleman
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