

Efficient Broadcast on Random Geometric Graphs

14 years 9 months ago
Efficient Broadcast on Random Geometric Graphs
A Random Geometric Graph (RGG) in two dimensions is constructed by distributing n nodes independently and uniformly at random in [0, n ]2 and creating edges between every pair of nodes having Euclidean distance at most r, for some prescribed r. We analyze the following randomized broadcast algorithm on RGGs. At the beginning, only one node from the largest connected component of the RGG is informed. Then, in each round, each informed node chooses a neighbor independently and uniformly at random and informs it. We prove that with probability 1 - O(n-1 ) this algorithm informs every node in the largest connected component of an RGG within O( n /r+log n) rounds. This holds for any value of r larger than the critical value for the emergence of a connected component with (n) nodes. In order to prove this result, we show that for any two nodes sufficiently distant from each other in [0, n ]2 , the length of the shortest path between them in the RGG, when such a path exists, is only a con...
Milan Bradonji, Robert Elsässer, Tobias Friedrich
Added 01 Mar 2010
Updated 02 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where SODA
Authors Milan Bradonji, Robert Elsässer, Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald, Alexandre Stauffer
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