

Radiance Scaling for Versatile Surface Enhancement

14 years 9 months ago
Radiance Scaling for Versatile Surface Enhancement
1 We present a novel technique called Radiance Scaling for the depic-2 tion of surface shape through shading. It adjusts reflected light in-3 tensities in a way dependent on both surface curvature and material4 characteristics. As a result, diffuse shading or highlight variations5 become correlated to surface feature variations, enhancing surface6 concavities and convexities. This approach is more versatile com-7 pared to previous methods. First, it produces satisfying results with8 any kind of material: we demonstrate results obtained with Phong9 and Ashikmin BRDFs, Cartoon shading, sub-Lambertian materi-10 als, and perfectly reflective or refractive objects. Second, it im-11 poses no restriction on lighting environment: it does not require a12 dense sampling of lighting directions and works even with a single13 light. Third, it makes it possible to enhance surface shape through14 the use of precomputed radiance data such as Ambient Occlusion,15 Prefiltered Environment Maps or Lit Sph...
Romain Vergne, Romain Pacanowski, Pascal Barla, Xa
Added 02 Mar 2010
Updated 02 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where I3D
Authors Romain Vergne, Romain Pacanowski, Pascal Barla, Xavier Granier, Christophe Schlick
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