In this paper we consider a natural generalization of the well-known Max Leaf
Spanning Tree problem. In the generalized Weighted Max Leaf problem we get as
input an undirected connected graph G, a rational number k not smaller than 1 and a
weight function w : V 7! R1 on the vertices, and are asked whether a spanning tree T
for G exists such that the combined weight of the leaves of T is at least k. We show that it
is possible to transform an instance hG;w; ki of Weighted Max Leaf in linear time into
an equivalent instance hG0;w0; k0i such that jV (G0)j 5:5k and k0 k. In the context of
xed parameter complexity this means that Weighted Max Leaf admits a kernel with
5:5k vertices. The analysis of the kernel size is based on a new extremal result which shows
that every graph G = (V;E) that excludes some simple substructures always contains a
spanning tree with at least jV j=5:5 leaves.